Homepage / Red class (3-4 yrs)
The first steps into the unknown world
Apart from the Blue class in the second building, this is the class of our youngest ♥
At this age, children have been spending time mainly with their parents, siblings and several friends, so coming to kindergarten with so many people is a big deal for them. Our task is to make it a beautiful experience – to leave them with memories that will positively affect them for life.
The most important thing is to evoke a feeling of security and love so that they can play without fear and missing their parents. Therefore, we pay increased attention to them and assign several teachers to this class: two experienced teachers and a nanny.
We fill our time not only by playing but also by gradually learning basic hygiene habits and social rules. Like a nice greeting 🙂 Just so you know: the children in this class are incredibly cute and docile. We are always proud of how much progress they are making every month. They are our little sunshines!
You can find the dossiers of our teachers on this page, so let’s just summarize the most important points:
- we always choose teachers with long experience for this class, usually young grandmothers, who can quickly gain trust of such small children
- like all other classes, they have a bilingual assistant – thus the Czech children come into contact with English and children from other countries with Czech, which prepares them well for moving to the following preschool
- the teachers have a nanny at hand. They oversee safety and, thanks to better perspective as they do not have to concentrate on managing the programme, they can recognize in time that some of the children need to be soothed and encouraged right now!
And of course daily programme
The daily programme looks very similar for all classes but of course the levels of complexity of each game and exercise differ.
Day time |
Activity |
08:00 – 08:50 |
Arrival of children, free play, individual activities for child development, didactic games, graphomotor skills, development of sensory perception, fine and gross motor skills, prosocial behaviour, expression, vocabulary, songs and poems, perception of rhythmics, practice of memory and logical thinking, cognition of colours, gripping abilities and coordination of movement |
9:00 – 09:30 |
Keeping hydrated, physical activity, community circle, logopedic, voice and breathing warm-up |
9:30 – 10:00 |
Morning snack, hygiene |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Educational activities focused on preschool preparation |
10:30 – 12:30 |
Outdoor stay |
12:30 – 13:00 |
Lunch, hygiene |
13:00 – 13:30 |
Departure of children |
13:00 – 14:45 |
Rest, sleep |
14:45 – 15:15 |
Afternoon snack, hygiene |
15:15 – 16:00 |
Scheduled afternoon programme |
16:00 – 18:00 |
Free play, departure of children |